Saturday, November 14, 2009
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Random daydreams...
The last 6 weeks have been a whirlwind. Teaching takes up most of my time these days. If I'm not at school working, I'm at home preparing to work. I know this will ease up as the weeks turn into months, but it is a little less than pleasant right now. One thing that makes me happy is that my students are great. I have a few trouble makers, but that's expected!
I'm writing today because I miss China. As I was preparing for my first observation, (Next Thursday!), I found a word file I haven't seen in months - "China Stuffs to Remember." It was an informal paper I made to write down all the details I was afraid of forgetting. I left out so much, and didn't add to it after we went to Tianjin.The incomplete nature of the paper led me back to my blog. I started re-reading the entries from a little over a year ago. Here I sit, eyes full of tears, remembering the sweet little ones who need a home.
All I can think of is how I need to help them. I guess most people my age start desiring a child. At this point, I'm not ready to have a baby, but I do feel a strong urge to reach out to the motherless. Teaching doesn't really fulfill that desire.
One of my previous entries was titled "Break my Heart for What Breaks Yours." After reading that again, I remember the depth of my feelings. Someday I will understand...
No real rhyme or reason for this post... just needed to get some thoughts on paper.
I'm writing today because I miss China. As I was preparing for my first observation, (Next Thursday!), I found a word file I haven't seen in months - "China Stuffs to Remember." It was an informal paper I made to write down all the details I was afraid of forgetting. I left out so much, and didn't add to it after we went to Tianjin.The incomplete nature of the paper led me back to my blog. I started re-reading the entries from a little over a year ago. Here I sit, eyes full of tears, remembering the sweet little ones who need a home.
All I can think of is how I need to help them. I guess most people my age start desiring a child. At this point, I'm not ready to have a baby, but I do feel a strong urge to reach out to the motherless. Teaching doesn't really fulfill that desire.
One of my previous entries was titled "Break my Heart for What Breaks Yours." After reading that again, I remember the depth of my feelings. Someday I will understand...
No real rhyme or reason for this post... just needed to get some thoughts on paper.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
I have a job - and my very own classroom
In case you haven't heard... I have a job!!! : )
I will be teaching 8th grade reading.
At the moment Blogger isn't being my friend, so it only allowed me to upload these 2 pictures. (Sorry Marie!)
As soon as it will allow - I will add more!
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Kev's Blog
My brother's blog currently has more pictures than mine!
Please visit his until I can add more to mine: )
*Also* Say a prayer that I get hired when we get back... It's still there in the back of my mind.
Thank you! : )
Friday, July 24, 2009
July 21: Matsumoto's Shave Ice - North Shore - DOLE Pineapple Plantation
Tuesday: July 21 Going to the beach is so tiring that we try to rest a day in between. This time our rest included visiting the pineapple plantation and going to matsumotos for a world famous shave ice! : )
This is "The Place" to eat shave ice... Yes, it looks like a snow cone, but don't you dare call it that!
It is Shave ice! There was pictures of Adam Sandler there when he filmed 50 First Dates.
It is Shave ice! There was pictures of Adam Sandler there when he filmed 50 First Dates.
These are pictures from the North Shore - a very popular tourist location.
We just dropped by to see it, but didn't swim.
More Pineapple Pics to come... : ) So tasty and sweet.
Fact: In order to pick the best pineapple, you have to consider 3 things:
1. The size of the eyes - make sure they are around the same size
2. The bottom of the pineapple should be white - careful for mold!
3. The smell - It shouldn't smell strong of pineapple - just a hint
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
Hawaii (YE)
In case you haven't heard, ShuShu, SIL, Wei J, Uncle K (Lelo), and I decided to celebrate all of our important milestones in Hawaii this summer. Wei-J turned 2 & it's our first summer with him! My MIL also had a special birthday this year. We are also celebrating my college graduation.
Whatever the reason - after some planning, saving, and 3 plane rides, I find myself sitting in the most relaxing place I could imagine - Hawaii.
Before I attempt o describe some of the wonderful things I have seen, I must thank all of ShuShu's family for making this possible. We couldn't have come if we had to pay for a hotel room... it's that simple. They made this vacation possible for us - not to mention all they've done for us since we arrived. From providing food and housing to giving a full tour of the island, I am so grateful for their generosity! Thank you!
Postcard picture perfect beaches. Turquoise clear water complimented by icy white sand and strong palms. The best I've ever seen. : )
Since arriving we have had the opportunity to boogie board and snorkel - two things I never pictured myself doing. Ever. I have turned down the chance to boogie board countless times at Schlitterbahn, (the local water park). This time I couldn't say no. It was SO worth it! I'm still sore two days later, but it was SO worth it! The snorkeling was easier than I assumed it would be - guess all that pool practice came in handy. ; ) Lelo LOVED being able to see his fish in their natural habitat. The boy needs to be a marine biologist... that's another blog.

I have eaten more food in the past 4 days than I even want to admit to. Allthe local Hawaiian favorites that I can't spell - (aside from shave ice). The basic idea is noodles with char su meat and green onions, stemmed buns, rice and fabulous Chinese food.
I am running out of time, (this is a busy vacation), but I wanted to give everyone a quick update. Hopefully I can add pictures later!
With love,
Whatever the reason - after some planning, saving, and 3 plane rides, I find myself sitting in the most relaxing place I could imagine - Hawaii.
Before I attempt o describe some of the wonderful things I have seen, I must thank all of ShuShu's family for making this possible. We couldn't have come if we had to pay for a hotel room... it's that simple. They made this vacation possible for us - not to mention all they've done for us since we arrived. From providing food and housing to giving a full tour of the island, I am so grateful for their generosity! Thank you!
Postcard picture perfect beaches. Turquoise clear water complimented by icy white sand and strong palms. The best I've ever seen. : )
Since arriving we have had the opportunity to boogie board and snorkel - two things I never pictured myself doing. Ever. I have turned down the chance to boogie board countless times at Schlitterbahn, (the local water park). This time I couldn't say no. It was SO worth it! I'm still sore two days later, but it was SO worth it! The snorkeling was easier than I assumed it would be - guess all that pool practice came in handy. ; ) Lelo LOVED being able to see his fish in their natural habitat. The boy needs to be a marine biologist... that's another blog.
I have eaten more food in the past 4 days than I even want to admit to. Allthe local Hawaiian favorites that I can't spell - (aside from shave ice). The basic idea is noodles with char su meat and green onions, stemmed buns, rice and fabulous Chinese food.
I am running out of time, (this is a busy vacation), but I wanted to give everyone a quick update. Hopefully I can add pictures later!
With love,
Friday, June 12, 2009
Graduation... finally
Not that anyone still reads this blog - (because of my slacking off of course!), but I thought I'd try to catch up... ; )
Paris and I (We finally made it!)

In May I reached a huge milestone - my bachelors degree in interdisciplinary studies. Additionally, I passed both state mandated tests required to receive certification in the state of Texas, (4-8th reading/language arts/ social studies) What does all this mean?!
I'm looking for a job!
Over the last few weeks my world has been turned upside down. For so long, school set my schedule and placed boundaries around my time... now that it's gone, I feel a bit lost. I'm transitioning from student to teacher, but I don't have a job yet, so it's difficult to prepare. I know it will happen! It's only the beginning of june and I've had several interviews for possible openings.
Enough of all that!
The best part of everything is my nephew. That lil' guy is the light of our lives! His smile, sense of humor, loving nature, and charming good looks, (need I go on?!), have captivated just about every inch of our family. Take a close look at his little finger, that's where you'll find us... wrapped very tightly - at his beckon call.
That's about all I have time for today. In short, things are going well, just transitioning. ShuShu and I are happy and trusting that it will all work out.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Sneak Peek - Graduation Pics
Monday, March 9, 2009
Memories of Months Past
Student teaching causes me to treasure our blessed family time over the holidays.
*wistful thinking *
In that line of thinking, here are of few of my favorites, the ones that keep me trucking along when the days get long.
CNY carefree fun
Each day is an adventure, and I don't have to go it alone.
Things are busy, but we are happy.
Monday, February 16, 2009
A New Blog - No Way!
I know you're just dying to know what we've been up to... ; ) Way too much to blog about. (I'll sure try though!)
1. Student Teaching: What can I say besides: Ahhhhh!? Am I really cut out to be a teacher? This is the most intense semester ever - how I miss those upper division geopol classes. (Wow - did I really say that out loud!?) I am with a 6th grade reading class. The students are well-behaved and so much fun to teach. The "Ahhhh!!" comes from the pressure which spills down from the govt, to the state, to the admin, to the teachers, and lastly, to me... : ( All this TAKS testing is way out of hand - I had no clue. Entire campuses shut down - it's crazy!
2. Anniversary: Hubs & I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. He made it very special! I had several gifts throughout the day. They fit into the rhyme, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something new." He created a photo collage of memories for something old. A sweet letter with blue ink for something blue. I am borrowing SIL's scrapbooking machines!! He bought me a kitchen aid mixer to fulfill the something new - I have wanted one of these since I was 10! : ) Part of the gift was that we made cookies together.
3. My Birthday: So not a big deal... I really loved having dinners, (not 1, but 3 !) with my friends and family. It made my day very special!
4. CNY: Our 1st Chinese New Year with Wei-J. He had such a wonderful time. I love this picture of him playing with Shu Shu's ear! (Good thing MIL taught him to wash behind them.)
Just a happy boy! Dancing to the music with his whole body, and clapping his hands to show he approves.
5. Aunt L and R were married: Shu Shu took some great pics of the wedding, but like always, I am running out of time.
I hope that all of our family and friends are doing well. Missing many of you today!
Congratulations to the B family! Their baby is the size of a shrimp today! : )
Friday, January 2, 2009
We're Off to See the Wizard
What does the Cha Cha slide,
Dance Dance Revolution,
They were all part of the 2nd annual Deep Youth New Years Lock-in!
We did a New Years Eve lock-in for all the students who helped out with the Hands and Feet Mission. It was intense, but so worth it. Very few problems! We played tons of games, ate junk food, and finally split the boys and girls around 3:30 am.
Thankfully we had the help of JV & MV!
At 7:34 on January 1, 2009 I walk into the front of our church. Sweet K, Hubs, and JV are sprawled out on pews and the floor. They laugh as I wearily approach them. All I could say was, "They are still awake. They didn't even sleep a little." Then I began to list what the 7 girls (ages 10-14) did for the past 4 hrs.
Pedicures - Manicures (Accompanied with a back and hand massage!)
Created skits to various songs
Created skits to various songs
The card game speed
Bounced on chairs
"What would Jesus do" card game, (Although their answers typically frightened me...)
A reenactment of the Wizard of Oz, (Including the sound effects and the munchkin scene)
Hubs and I slept around 12hrs last night. I slept 9 to 9...
Oh the joys of youth pastoring... wouldn't trade it for anything.
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