Monday, February 16, 2009

A New Blog - No Way!

I know you're just dying to know what we've been up to... ; ) Way too much to blog about. (I'll sure try though!)

1. Student Teaching: What can I say besides: Ahhhhh!? Am I really cut out to be a teacher? This is the most intense semester ever - how I miss those upper division geopol classes. (Wow - did I really say that out loud!?) I am with a 6th grade reading class. The students are well-behaved and so much fun to teach. The "Ahhhh!!" comes from the pressure which spills down from the govt, to the state, to the admin, to the teachers, and lastly, to me... : ( All this TAKS testing is way out of hand - I had no clue. Entire campuses shut down - it's crazy!

2. Anniversary: Hubs & I celebrated our 3rd wedding anniversary. He made it very special! I had several gifts throughout the day. They fit into the rhyme, "Something old, something new, something borrowed, and something new." He created a photo collage of memories for something old. A sweet letter with blue ink for something blue. I am borrowing SIL's scrapbooking machines!! He bought me a kitchen aid mixer to fulfill the something new - I have wanted one of these since I was 10! : ) Part of the gift was that we made cookies together.

3. My Birthday: So not a big deal... I really loved having dinners, (not 1, but 3 !) with my friends and family. It made my day very special!

4. CNY: Our 1st Chinese New Year with Wei-J. He had such a wonderful time. I love this picture of him playing with Shu Shu's ear! (Good thing MIL taught him to wash behind them.)

Just a happy boy! Dancing to the music with his whole body, and clapping his hands to show he approves.

5. Aunt L and R were married: Shu Shu took some great pics of the wedding, but like always, I am running out of time.

I hope that all of our family and friends are doing well. Missing many of you today!

Congratulations to the B family! Their baby is the size of a shrimp today! : )