Saturday, October 3, 2009

Random daydreams...

The last 6 weeks have been a whirlwind. Teaching takes up most of my time these days. If I'm not at school working, I'm at home preparing to work. I know this will ease up as the weeks turn into months, but it is a little less than pleasant right now. One thing that makes me happy is that my students are great. I have a few trouble makers, but that's expected!

I'm writing today because I miss China. As I was preparing for my first observation, (Next Thursday!), I found a word file I haven't seen in months - "China Stuffs to Remember." It was an informal paper I made to write down all the details I was afraid of forgetting. I left out so much, and didn't add to it after we went to Tianjin.The incomplete nature of the paper led me back to my blog. I started re-reading the entries from a little over a year ago. Here I sit, eyes full of tears, remembering the sweet little ones who need a home.

All I can think of is how I need to help them. I guess most people my age start desiring a child. At this point, I'm not ready to have a baby, but I do feel a strong urge to reach out to the motherless. Teaching doesn't really fulfill that desire.

One of my previous entries was titled "Break my Heart for What Breaks Yours." After reading that again, I remember the depth of my feelings. Someday I will understand...

No real rhyme or reason for this post... just needed to get some thoughts on paper.