Monday, October 6, 2008

Transparent Desire

I write during every season.

I really like to write poems and prose which are not neat and tidy. Throughout many phases of my life, I have struggled with the "need" to be perfect and to overachieve, (Be everyone to everything - and fix it all) What a silly first-born struggle indeed. I don't feel these worries when I journal. I have books filled with non-traditional writings... they don't adhere to the typical standard English rules and regulations. That's why I love the English language - it's so alive and flexible. (Shout out to Prof Williams ENG 3333)

Morgan encourages me to share my words. So... here goes.


Transparent Desire

With affectionate child-like awe I stand

Peering, gazing with enamored eyes

Lives, like mirrors, fall - shatter

Scattered pieces reflect what was

A broken image magnified 1000 times over

Staring into eternal truth we begin

Picking up the pieces only cuts us deeper

These hands cannot bear this sorrow

Looking into each reckless piece,

we are losing our tomorrow

Somewhere I stop.

The realization awakens.

Our reflection is irrelevant.

Time is fading while we injuriously examine what was.


Transparent Desire - Glass.

So they see you through this mess.

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