The whole idea of the class is to encourage educators to use service-learning in their classes.
Service-learning is an educational theory in which students meet their content objectives by completing a service act. One of the most important aspects of this practice is that the service must be relevant to both the students and the community.
My four classmates and I spoke with the teachers and students from our community.
It seems that one of the greatest issues they face is gang violence.
We taught a lesson that discussed racist symbols from the past (KKK & Nazi symbols). We led the students through a series of questions that typically led them to the same conclusion: gang violence and hatred is no different than hatred expressed through the historic symbols.
Our goal was to wipe-out as much graffiti as possible.
It was amazing! We had around 95 students attend.
They cleaned up their community in a way to protest against the gang violence.
Someone even donated pizzas so we served the students lunch.
Don't tell me that today's young people are lazy; they just need someone to challenge them.
Isn't our wall pretty?
Such an awesome bunch!!!
We have had many thoughtful discussions. Some of the students were worried that our good work will be tagged over again... others said that didn't matter - the protest (painting over it,) is all that mattered. One young lady asked, "Will our country ever go back to restricting people's rights the way it used to?"
I told her, "Not if people like you are passionate about standing up for your beliefs."
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